Ultimately and sadly - this page is better viewed on Chrome - even though I love Safari. Additionally I haven’t used dynamic code for the video so mobile view will be a bit out, but Im assuming if anyone is looking at this they will be using a desktop anyway.

Food Industry

Food industry and production has been a regular area of work for me. Most recently, prior to my current position I was creating all kinds of media for a single client based locally that produced watercress and real wasabi aimed at the luxury / connoisseur market, but prior to that I had done work or a children’s food producer based fairly locally.

CFC ( Childrens Food Club )

Im not even going to call this a website, built around 2010 - 2011, although it was based on the web. It was entirely Flash based and animated site working in conjunction with a children’s book creator and illustrator. Everything was created as SVG because the illustrations were very simple. The intention of the site was to engage children and thereby mothers in the activities and get them to sign up and get more information from the producer. The build lasted about half a year and involved a lot of intensive design and building work.

Wasabi Own Label

This is a small part of the work I produced for the company. I worked on everything from photos and editing, to printed material and websites. Here is an example of their product, which was an own label which used the raw product as an ingredient in sauces, mayonnaise and vinegars. They also sold exotic citrus hence the jam. I was jointly involved with producing the packaging, making the promotional photos, videos for social media etc.

Watercress PR video

Created during 2018. This was a really fun video that was made to advertise the benefits of watercress, made with kids from a local school. This was basically a big job in After Effects. All the animation effects were created using hand drawn SVG which had timeline effects added.

Watercress PR video

Created during 2019. This was a short social video about one of the influencers the company had access to, an olympic hopeful who was using watercress as part of his diet. All text and editing done in After Effects.

Watercress printed recipe sheet


NB: Image on right is photo of card, not artwork so colours different.

Here is an example of straight print work, a series of handouts printed on non coated paper intended to promote watercress to kids and adults of marathons and sporting events. Probably the thing I'm most pleased with here is dragging the company’s general ad material into a modern feel. The printed handouts were a standard prop for them, but they had previously been done in a high gloss, plastic feel landscape A5 that really looked dated. The product needed a more organic friendly feel to it, and so I swapped almost everything to suit with a really tactile uncoated paper that was partially recycled. It came as a series of recipes, this being the most popular.

Wasabi printed catalogs

wasabiCat_1 wasabiCat_2 wasabiGrow_1

NB: Images of printed items not artwork

The printed catalog, main and smaller handouts, was a fairly substantial body of work for the Wasabi Company. The first thing I did when asked to work on it was to swap the paper stock over to uncoated and recycled. The former catalogs had been gloss and weren’t really a good fit for the product. Then I went through each page with a fine tooth comb adding a proper baseline - headings and body type, all of which had been done very roughly. The catalog actually contains a lot of items and is a fairly run of the mill piece of design, and not really what I would have liked to do, but given my restrictions I think I did a really good job of adding value to it, from look and feel to enhancing the existing layout.